David Campos
Author and Inventor
Something about dance training always has disturbed and obsessed David Campos, the importance of the feet of dancers. Due to this, Campos was able to créate the latest and perhaps most
relevant and clear example of Campos´creativity: his invention of the Ballet Foot Stretch tool for dancers feet.
After years of experience as a dancer, ballet choreographer and pedagogue, he knew how essential it was to have well-stretched feet in ballet, and that, in most cases, it has even become a
determining factor whether a dancer will be accepted to enter his profession or sadly be disqualified from it.
“I have always wondered why there was still no existing more advanced, alternative, or tool, to improve the arch of the foot.”
He felt the urge to find an effective solution to this problem and for years, worked on his ideas while he worked with his students. This is how Ballet Foot Stretch®, a US Patented product, was born: the first tool for dancers based on elastic counterforce that offers a safe, effective and dynamic way
to stretch the feet. Twenty years later, we can claim and celebrate that Ballet Foot Stretch® is a world renowned brand in the dance and
gymnastic sectors, a product of excellent quality and utility, helping dancers to reach their dreams.